Why is Jill’s password, “stockimagessuck22?”
The problem occurs when that organization has grown to 10, 15, 20 employees, and above; that individual is now pulled in way too many directions. IT is a critical component of the success of all business, and so are the normal responsibilities of your “Guy.” Business process and profitability are affected because that person is now unable to focus on their core function, and just as important, the quality of internal IT is below standard do to the fact that network is now put together way below what is needed for efficiency and security.
This is the inflection point. This is when a business must make the decision to hire someone full time to manage their IT or to bring in an outsourced Managed IT provider. A full time IT person could be cost prohibitive until the business has grown to an even larger size. Going the Managed IT route will always provide the best balance of standards, competency and value.
Taking the next step of finding the right IT Service Provider is an intimidating, and time consuming, process. A business at this stage doesn’t know what they should be paying for or how to compare the providers they may find. To solve this, a company should work with an objective third party adviser who will first learn needs and budgets and then broker the provider(s) that are the best match. This is why you call Compendium.
Remember, there’s nothing more valuable than your time.
I thought about creating a # dumptheguy campaign, in favor of the obvious next step there, but my kid tells me hashtags aren’t a thing anymore…ugh what do I know???
– Compendium